Thank You Seniors!!!

Our MBBC Youth Teams.

About Us.
MBBC Officers.
The Mandan Boys Basketball Club is organized to promote and sponsor participation in boy's basketball and to build and improve skills for the future of basketball. MBBC is supported, organized and run by the parents of third grade through high school age boys basketball players.
Some examples of support provided by the club include reimbursements into youth basketball tournament registrations for Mandan youth traveling teams, reimbursements for summer team camps for Mandan high school basketball teams, reimbursements for coaching clinic attending by Mandan boys basketball coaches, and equipment purchases which help promote Mandan basketball.
Club revenues are generated primarily through the organization of tournaments and club memberships. The club currently hosts three tournaments per year, including two MBBC Youth Tournaments and the Annual Class B Boys Basketball Holiday tournament. See the Tournaments tab on this website for more information. Every boys basketball player playing on a Mandan basketball team, whether school-sponsored or youth traveling team, must be a member of the club, in order to receive the benefits from the club. The membership year runs September 1st to August 31st.
Club meetings occur the 3rd Monday of each month September through May at the Mandan Eagles at 7pm. All parents of Mandan boys basketball players of any age are welcome to attend.
John Sayler (President)
Shanon Gerding (Vice President) Heidi Belohlavek (Treasurer)
Desiree Reile (Secretary)
Brad Schafer
Scott Sheldon
Grant Zinke
Vanessa Monteith
Kelly Janz
Stacy Sjolberg
Kyle Johnson
Carly Wollschlager
Eric Ridl